Mania: Here are the words for mania and maniac starting from h. Get the meanings of habromania, hagiomania, heliomania, hematomania. Learn about heroinomania, hellenomania, hexametromania, hieromania, hippomania, hodomania, homicidomania, hydromania. And also get hydrodipsomania, hylomania, hypermania, hyperpolysyllabicomania, hypomania and hysteromania.
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List of Mania and Maniac starting from H
- Habromania– extreme madness for insanity featuring cheerful delusions
Habromaniac-a person who has an influence of Habromania
- Hagiomania– extreme madness for sainthood
Hagiomaniac-a person who has an influence of Hagiomania
- Heliomania– extreme madness for Sun
Heliomaniac-a person who has an influence of Heliomania
- Hematomania– extreme madness for blood
Hematomaniac-a person who has an influence of Hematomania
- Heroinomania– extreme madness for heroin
Heroinomaniac-a person who has an influence of Heroinomania
- Hellenomania– extreme madness for Greece and Greeks
Hellenomaniac-a person who has an influence of Hellenomania
- Hexametromania– extreme madness for writing in hexameter
Hexametromaniac-a person who has an influence of Hexametro
- Hieromania– extreme madness for pathological religious visions
Hieromaniac-a person who has an influence of Hieromania
- Hippomania – extreme madness for horses
Hippomaniac-a person who has an influence of Hippomania
- Hodomania– extreme madness for travelling
Hodomaniac-a person who has an influence of Hodomania
- Homicidomania– extreme madness for committing murder
Homicidomaniac-a person who has an influence of Homicido
- Hydromania– extreme madness for water
Hydromaniac-a person who has an influence of Hydromania
- Hydrodipsomania– extreme madness for attacks of insatiable thirst
Hydrodipsomaniac-a person who has an influence of Hydrodipso
- Hylomania– extreme madness for materialism
Hylomaniac-a person who has an influence of Hylomania
- Hypermania– extreme madness for severe mania
Hypermaniac-a person who has an influence of Hypemania
- Hyperpolysyllabicomania– extreme madness for big words
Hyperpolysyllabicomaniac-a person who has an influence of
- Hypomania– extreme madness for minor
Hypomaniac-a person who has an influence of Hypomania
- Hysteromania– extreme madness for nymphomania
Hysteromaniac-a person who has an influence of Hysteromania
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