
Ablutomania, Agromania, Anglomania, Arithomania and More

Mania- Words Starting From A

Excessive madness for-

In previous chapter we have seen what mania is! There are so many manias and they have particular names. In the website, you will get alphabetically arranged list of manias starting from-

A ,  B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , X , Z

Mania and Maniac

Mania is an excessive madness for and maniac is a person having particular mania. Here is a list of names for manias and maniacs starting from A.

Have a look-

  • Ablutomania – extreme madness for personal cleanliness

              Ablutomaniac-a person who has an influence of Ablutomania

  • Aboulomania– extreme madness for pathological indecisiveness

            Aboulomaniac-a person who has an influence of Aboulomania

  • Acronymania– extreme madness for acronyms

 Acronymaniac-a person who has an influence of Acronymania

  • Agromania– extreme madness for intense desire to be in open spaces

          Agromaniac-a person who has an influence of Agromania

  • Ailuromania- extreme madness for cats

         Ailuromaniac-a person who has an influence of Ailuromania

  • Alcoholomania– extreme madness for alcoholic beverages

       Alcoholomaniac-a person who has an influence of Alcoholomania

  • Andromania nymphomania

                Andromaniac-a person who has an influence of Andromania

  • Androphonomania– extreme madness for homicidal insanity

                 Androphonomaniac-a person who has an influence of Androphonomania

  • Anglomania– extreme madness for England and English

               Anglomaniac-a person who has an influence of Anglomania

  • Anthomania – extreme madness for flowers

                 Anthomaniac-a person who has an influence of Anthomania

  • Apimania– extreme madness for bees

                  Apimaniac-a person who has an influence of Apimania

  • Arithmomania– extreme madness for preoccupation with numbers

               Arithmomaniac-a person who has an influence of Arithmomania

  • Arithomania– extreme madness for numbers

               Arithomaniac– a person who has an influence of Arithomania

 Go over-

Mania –  A ,  B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , X , Z