How to compare the numbers

Comparing the Numbers

We can compare the numbers and know which is greater by following ways-

  1. If  two numbers have been given, we should count digits of each number. Number which has more digits is greater and which has fewer digits is smaller.


  •  Find out the greater number between 58, 49, 236 and 7, 89, 246.


 Numbers are 58, 49, 236 and 7, 89, 246

 In these numbers 58, 49, 236 has seven digits and 7, 89, 246 has six digits
58, 49, 236 is greater than 7, 89, 246     (  stands for therefore)

58, 49, 236  7, 89, 246            (  stands for greater than)


  1. If given digits have equal number of digits, compare their extreme left digits.



 Numbers 36, 51, 735 and 63, 15, 573 has seven digits each. Their extreme left digits are 3 and 6 respectively. As 3 is smaller than 6,

36, 51, 735  63, 15, 573 (  stands for smaller than)


  1. If given digits have equal number of digits and equal extreme left digit then compare second digit from left.



 Numbers 43, 25, 543 and 45, 52, 435 have equal extreme left digits but second left digits are different and second left digits are 3 and 5 and as 3 < 5

43, 25, 543 < 45, 52, 435

  1. If given numbers have equal number of digits and extreme left digits are equal as well as second left digits are equal, next digits from left are compared till up to the digits of unit place.

Go over-

How to form the Biggest and Smallest Number

How to write numbers in ascending and descending order 

How to compare the numbers 
