Group of Animals

List of Names for Group of Animals

Here is a list of names for a group of animals. We know that all animals live in groups. Though the group is of mammals, insects, or birds, there is a particular name for these groups. The names of a group of animals, the name of an animal, the word for their group, and the phrase for the group are given in this list.

Have a look-  

Names for groups of animals starting from A to E

                Animal /Name for group / Phrase

  1. Alligators/ Congregation/ Congregation of Alligators
  2. Antelope / Herd / Herd  of Antelope
  3. Apes / Shrewdness / Shrewdness of apes
  4. Apes / Troop / Troops of apes
  5. Bears/ Sloth / Sloth of bears
  6. Bears / Sleuth / Sleuth of bears
  7. Bevy / Roe/roe (deer)
  8. Buck (deer) / Brace / Brace Buck
  9. Buck (deer) /Clash /Clash Buck (deer)
  10. Buffaloes / Herd / Herd of Buffaloes
  11. Buffaloes / Gang / Gang of Buffaloes
  12. Buffaloes / Obstinacy / Obstinacy of Buffaloes
  13. Cat / Clowder / Clowder of cats
  14. Cat / Clutter / Clutter of cats
  15. Cat / Dout / Dout of cats
  16. Cat /Glare / Glare of cats
  17. Cat/ Glorying / Glorying of cats
  18. Cat / Nuisance/ Nuisance of cats
  19. Cat/  Pounce/ Pounce of cats
  20. Cattle/ Herd/ Herd of Cattle
  21. Crocodile/ Bask / Bask of crocodile
  22. Crocodile/ Float / Float of crocodile
  23. Cubs/ Litter/ Litter of cubs
  24. Deer / Gang /  Gang of deer
  25. Deer / Herd / Herd of Deer
  26. Deer / Leash / Leash of deer
  27. Dogs (hound) /Cry /Cry of dogs (hound)
  28. Dogs (hounds) /Mule / Mule of dogs (hounds)
  29.  Ducks / Team/ Team of ducks
  30. Elephants / Herd/Herd of Elephants

Read also-

•  Cries of Animals

•  Domestic Animals

•  Homes of Animals

Names for groups of animals starting from F to P

  1. Frogs / Army/ Army of frogs
  2. Goats / Herd / Herd of Goats
  3. Horses / Team/ Team of horses
  4. Hounds /Pack/ Pack of hounds
  5. Kangaroos / Mob/ Mob of kangaroos
  6. Kangaroos / Troop/ Troop of Kangaroos
  7. Kittens / Litter/ Litter of kittens
  8. Kittens / Wrack/ Wrack of kittens
  9. Cowardice / Dogs/ Dogs (curs)
  10. Leopards / Leap/ Leap of leopards
  11. Lambs /Fall/ Fall of lambs
  12. Lions / Pride/ Pride of lions
  13. Lions / Sault/ Sault of lions
  14. Lions / Troop/ Troop of lions
  15. Mice / Nest/ Nest of mice
  16. Mice / Mischief/ Mischief of mice
  17. Moles / Company/ Company of moles
  18. Moles / Labour/ Labour of moles
  19. Moles / Movement/ Movement of moles
  20. Monkeys / Mission/ Mission of monkeys
  21. Monkeys / Tribe/ Tribe of monkeys
  22. Oxen / Yoke/ Yoke of oxen  
  23. Oxen / Span/ Span of oxen 
  24. Oxen / Team/ Team of oxen
  25. Penguins / Colony/ Colony of penguins
  26. Penguins / Creche/ Creche of penguins
  27. Penguins / Huddle / Huddle of penguins  
  28. Piglets / Farrow/ Farrow of piglets  
  29. Piglets /Litter / litter of piglets  
  30. Pigs / Herd / Herd of pigs  
  31. Pigs / Drove / Drove of pigs  
  32. Pigs / Sounder / Sounder of pigs
  33. Puppies / Litter / Litter of puppies  

Names for groups of animals starting from R to Z

  1. Rabbits / Bury / Bury of rabbits
  2. Rabbits / Colony / Colony of rabbits
  3. Rabbits / Nest / Nest of rabbits  
  4. Rabbits / Wrack / Wrack of rabbits  
  5. Raccoons / Gaze / Gaze of raccoons
  6. Rats / Colony / Colony of rats
  7. Rats / Pack / Pack of rats
  8. Rats / Rabble / Rabble of rats
  9. Rats / Swarm / Swarm of rats  
  10. Rhinoceroses / Crash /Crash of rhinoceroses
  11. Sheep / Flock / Flock of sheep
  12. Sheep / Trip / Trip of sheep
  13. Snakes / Bed / Bed of Snakes 
  14. Snakes / Den / Den of Snakes
  15. Snakes / Pit / Pit of Snakes
  16. Snakes / Slither / Slither of Snakes
  17. Squirrels / Dray / Dray of squirrels
  18. Tigers / Ambush /Ambush of tigers
  19. Tigers / Streak / Streak of tigers
  20. Toads / Knot / Knot of toads   
  21. Turtles / Bale / Bale of turtles
  22. Unicorns / Blessing / Blessing of unicorns
  23. Wild animals / Zoo / Zoo of wild animals
  24. Wolves / Pack / Pack of wolves
  25. Wolves / Rout / Rout of wolves                             
  26. Zebra /Zeal / Zeal of zebra
  27. Zebra /Herd / Herd of zebra

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