Words Starting with Vowels | First letter Vowel Words List

Home Glossary: A Categorized Vocabulary Words Starting with Vowels | First letter Vowel Words List
We know that vowels in English are- a, e, i, o, and u. We use many words daily, of which the first letter is a vowel. Let’s find out the words having vowels in their first letter.

Words starting with vowels

List of words starting with vowels

Here is a list of first-letter vowel words.

  1. Aardvark
  2. Abet
  3. Abject
  4. Aboard
  5. About
  6. Above
  7. Abrasive
  8. Accept
  9. Accost
  10. Across
  11. Action
  12. Add
  13. Addition
  14. Adventure
  15. Adverb
  16. Aeon
  17. Affront
  18. Aft
  19. After
  20. Afternoon
  21. Again
  22. Against
  23. Agreeable
  24. Ahem
  25. Ajar
  26. Alive
  27. Along
  28. Allowed
  29. Allot
  30. Allotment
  31. Alloy
  32. Alphabet
  33. Amend
  34. Amendment
  35. America
  36. Amigo
  37. Among
  38. Ample
  39. Anchovies
  40. Ant
  41. Append
  42. Appendicitis
  43. Appendix
  44. Apple
  45. Apt
  46. Aqua
  47. Attitude
  48. Archway
  49. Argon
  50. Army
  51. Arrest
  52. Arrive
  53. Argumentative
  54. Arm
  55. Armpit
  56. Arrangement
  57. Art
  58. Artist
  59. Arrow
  60. Ash
  61. Asking
  62. Assume
  63. At
  64. Atoll
  65. Attain
  66. Attic
  67. Attorney
  68. Auctioned
  69. Audio
  70. Australia
  71. Automobiles
  72. Authentication
  73. Authorize
  74. Authority
  75. auxiliary
  76. Award
  77. Aware
  78. Awake
  79. Awkward
  80. Away
  81. Axis
  82. Axle
  83. Aye
  84. Each
  85. Ear,
  86. Earache
  87. Earlobe
  88. Early
  89. Earring
  90. Earn
  91. Earthly
  92. Earthquake
  93. East
  94. Eastern
  95. Easy
  96. Eat
  97. Ebb
  98. Echelon
  99. Eclipse
  100. Economy
  101. Edge
  102. Edible
  103. Edification
  104. Education
  105. Eerie
  106. Effect
  107. Egg
  108. Egypt
  109. Eke
  110. Elastic
  111. Electrocuted
  112. Elementary
  113. Elephant
  114. Elite
  115. Elm
  116. Elope
  117. Elude
  118. Elysium
  119. Embracing
  120. Emission
  121. Emotion
  122. Employee
  123. Enact
  124. Endeavour
  125. Engine
  126. Engineer
  127. England
  128. English
  129. Enter
  130. Entertainment
  131. Enjoy
  132. Eon
  133. Equal
  134. Equation
  135. Eraser
  136. Escape
  137. Etching
  138. Ethical
  139. Euro
  140. Europe
  141. European
  142. Evacuation
  143. Even
  144. Everything
  145. Ewe
  146. Example
  147. Exclusive
  148. Exercise
  149. Exit
  150. Expression
  151. Eye
  152. Ice cream
  153. Ideal
  154. Igloo
  155. Immaculate
  156. Immune
  157. In
  158. Include
  159. Incoherent
  160. Income
  161. Incoming
  162. Inconvenience
  163. India
  164. Indicate
  165. Inkling
  166. Illustrate
  167. Information
  168. Ingrowing
  169. Insight
  170. Instead
  171. Institute
  172. Intellect
  173. International
  174. Interview
  175. Ireland
  176. Irrespectively
  177. Is
  178. Island
  179. It
  180. Italian
  181. Oak
  182. Oats
  183. Obtuse
  184. Occult
  185. Occupy
  186. Occur
  187. Ocean
  188. Odour
  189. Of
  190. Office
  191. Oh
  192. Ointment,
  193. Ok
  194. Okay
  195. Older
  196. Omen
  197. On
  198. Or
  199. Oracle
  200. Orange
  201. Order
  202. Organic
  203. Organised
  204. Organization
  205. Origin
  206. Original
  207. Onwards
  208. Opinion
  209. Oppose
  210. Oregano
  211. Orthodox
  212. Otherwise
  213. Otter
  214. Overboard
  215. Overgrown
  216. Overjoyed
  217. Overseas
  218. Oscar
  219. Our
  220. Out
  221. Over
  222. Owl
  223. Owner
  224. Oxen
  225. Ozone
  226. Ugly
  227. Umbrella
  228. Uncle
  229. Under
  230. Underneath
  231. Understand
  232. Underweight
  233. Universal
  234. Uncommon
  235. Unconventional
  236. Unicorn
  237. Undermine
  238. Uniform
  239. Union
  240. Unique
  241. Unit
  242. University
  243. Unscramble
  244. Upbringing
  245. Upper
  246. Urea
  247. Urgent
  248. Urinal
  249. Urology
  250. Use
  251. Useful,
  252. Usher
  253. Utter

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