Uses of Present Tense

Present Tense Tells About

The present tense describes mainly the action of the current event or state of being in the existing time at the time of the speaker’s speaking. A sentence in the existing time is used to tell about the present actions.

Sometimes this tense is used to tell something about the past as well as the future.

In English, we use these tenses to tell about the –

  •  present
  •  past
  •  future

Uses of Present Tense

We have seen that we can use this tense to tell about the present, past and future.

Now we shall see how present tenses are used for this. Here is the use of this tense in English.

Present state of being

In English, this tense is used to tell about the state.


  • He is sad.
  • Martin is very happy for his achievements.
  • She works there for two years.
  • You are thinking about something.
  • She tells a story to her kids.

  About past

  • We use sentences of this tense to tell about the past when we summarize a book or tell a story.

About future

In English, we use sentences of this tense to tell about the future.


  • He will call me when he reaches college.
  • The next plane for Delhi flies this afternoon at 2 o’clock.
  • There is a meeting in the auditorium to discuss further points this evening.
  • I shall check my email box when I get home.
  • She will be tired after she has been teaching all day.
  • I shall see you as soon as I have reached there.

Types of Present Tense

There are four types of this tense –

  1. Simple Present   –                  I draw a sketch of a cat.
  2. Present Continuous   –            I am drawing a sketch of a cat.
  3. Perfect Present         –              I have drawn a sketch of a cat.
  4. Perfect Continuous Present  – I have been drawing a sketch of a cat.

Go over- Related links to present tense-

Perfect Tense
Perfect Continuous