Passive Voice of Simple Present Tense

When the verb is in simple present tense and we have to change the active voice of the sentence into the passive voice of the simple present tense, we should keep in mind that the object becomes the subject. An auxiliary verb is used according to the number of objects of the sentence.

Passive Voice of Simple Present Tense- Formation

In this, to interchange the sentence of an active voice of simple present tense into passive voice, the form of ‘to be’ is used with the past participle of a verb.

The formation of simple present tense

  • in an affirmative sentence is-

Object + am /is /are + past participle of verb + by + subject

  • in sentences of questions is-

Am / is/ are + object + past participle of verb + by + subject

Examples of passive voice in simple present tense

We shall take an example for the explanation-

  • Active voice- I drink water.

In the above sentence- ‘I’ is subject, ‘drink’ is a verb and ‘water’ is the object.

Now, we have to change this sentence into a passive voice.

According to the formation given above, we can write-

  • Water (object) is (verb) drunk (past participle of drink) by me.

Example with Three Persons

Let’s take an example with three persons of singular as well as plural number.

Have a look-

1st person- IActive VoiceI finish the work.
Passive VoiceThe work is finished by me.
WeActive VoiceWe finish the work.
Passive VoiceThe work is finished by us.
2nd person-YouActive VoiceYou finish the work.
Passive VoiceThe work is finished by you.
YouActive VoiceYou finish the work.
Passive VoiceThe work is finished by you.
3rd person- HeActive VoiceHe finishes the work.
Passive VoiceThe work is finished by him.
SheActive VoiceShe finishes the work
Passive VoiceThe work is finished by her.
TheyActive VoiceThey finish the work.
Passive VoiceThe work is finished by them.

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     The passive voice of-

Simple Present Tense
Past Simple Tense
Simple Future Tense
Continuous Present Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Perfect Present Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Perfect Future Tense
Active Voice