How to Write Numbers in Ascending and Descending Order?

Ascending and Descending Order of Numbers

In this lesson, we shall learn to write numbers in ascending and descending order. You know what the numbers are! First we should observe the given numbers.

What is Ascending Order?

Ascending order means we have to write the given numbers in increasing order. That is, we have to observe the numbers, find out the smallest number and write at the first. Then write bigger ones thereafter in serial order. To know how to find smaller number, you should read the lesson- How to Compare NumbersThat is, when we arrange the numbers from smallest to biggest it means numbers are in ascending order.

Rules to write numbers in ascending order

There are easy rules we should follow to write the numbers in ascending order. Those are-

  • Always start from smallest number
  • Write bigger numbers in order
  • At last, write the biggest number

What is Descending Order?

To write the numbers in descending order is opposite of writing in ascending order. In this, we have to find out biggest number from the given numbers and write at the first. Then write smaller ones thereafter in serial order.

That is, when we arrange the numbers from biggest to smallest it means numbers are in descending order.

Rules to write numbers in descending order

There are easy rules we should follow to write the numbers in descending order. Those are-

  • Always start from biggest number
  • Write smaller numbers in order
  • At last, write the smallest number


We shall have some examples.

Have a look-

Example 1

Arrange the numbers 1 to 9 in ascending and descending order

To arrange the numbers 1 to 9 in ascending order, we write-

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

In this, we wrote smallest number 1 at the first and bigger numbers serially in order. We ended the arrangement with biggest number 9.

And to arrange these numbers in descending order, we write-

9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

In this we wrote biggest number 9 at the first and smaller numbers serially in order. We ended the arrangement with smallest number 1.

Example 2

Write the following numbers in ascending and descending order.

6, 78, 421, 9, 83, 241, 8, 52, 543

Ascending order

In this, we have single, two and three digits numbers. Single digit number is smaller than two digit number and two digit is smaller than three digit. So the smallest number will be the single digit number. Among 6, 9 and 8: smallest number is 6. Among 78, 83 and 52; smallest number is 78 and among 421, 241 and 543; 241 is the smallest number.

So the arrangement of the above numbers in ascending order will be-

6, 8, 9, 52, 78, 83, 241, 421, 543

Descending order

As descending order is opposite to ascending order, we should write the biggest number at the first and smaller numbers in decreasing order. So the above numbers will be as;

543, 421, 241, 83, 78, 52, 9, 8, 6

Go over-


How to form the Biggest and Smallest Number
