Definite and Indefinite Numeral Adjectives

Definite Numeral Adjectives

Definite Numeral Adjectives give us an exact number in a cardinal form that is one, three, ten, and an ordinal form that is first, second.

We can question ‘how many?’ to noun and get definite numeral adjectives in a cardinal form.

Here are some examples of definite numeral adjectives in cardinal form. Those are in bold letters.

Have a look-

  • There are three books on the table.
  • There is only one solution to this problem.
  • He shared his experience with four persons.
  • Sameera ate two bananas.
  • Ten chairs are kept in a row.
  • I purchased three shirts for my son.
  • Students solved twenty examples of the exercise which was taught by their teacher.
  • The teacher asked us to bring six notebooks tomorrow.

These definite adjectives also express an exact number in an ordinal form that is first, second, fourth, etc.

We can get ordinal numbers by questioning ‘in what order?’to a noun of the sentence.

 Here are some examples of definite numeral adjectives in an ordinal form. Those are in bold letters.

  • Always take a second opinion.
  • He stood fourth in his class.
  • Kiran Bedi was the first lady IPS in India.
  • The fifth lady in a row is staring at me.
  • Today is their seventh marriage anniversary.
  • Children’s day is celebrated on fourteenth November.
  • There is a bank holiday on the twentieth of October.

Indefinite Numeral Adjectives

Indefinite Numeral Adjectives do not express an exact number.

These numeral indefinite adjectives can also be used as adjectives of quantity.

Here are some examples of indefinite numeral adjectives. Those are in bold letters.

  • Several flowers are beautiful.
  • I have bought some pineapples.
  • All persons must live.
  • Are there any fruits in the refrigerator?
  • There are several definitions in this chapter.
  • She picked some eggs.
  • There were no students in the class.
  • Several people were waiting for a train.
  • There are a few workers in the office.
  • Most of the students participated in outdoor games.
  • I have bought some mangoes.
  • There are some birds on the tree.

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•  Quantity 

•  Quality

•  Number 

•  Interrogative 

•  Demonstrative  Adjectives

•  Exclamatory  Adjectives

•  Emphasizing Adjectives