Adjectives of Quantity and Quality

 Adjectives of Quantity

Adjectives of Quantity give information about the quantity of a thing.

We use the adjective of quantity with a noun.

We get these numeral adjectives to know the quantity by asking a question ‘how much?’ to a noun or pronoun.  

These quantity-telling words give information to us about the number of nouns.
They do not tell the exact number

We use adjectives of quantity when we don’t want the exact number of nouns.

Examples of Adjectives of Quantity

Here are some examples of adjectives of quantity-

  • I took some notebooks.
  • They had enough plates.
  • He gave me all his pens.
  • He has no qualifications.
  • I have no faith in him.
  • You did not take any books.
  • She asked him to give half the material.
  • Many students were present today.
  • I have completed most of my work.
  • Baby ate the whole banana.
  • I don’t have much time.
  • Sam has little interest in drawing.
  • She has sufficient facilities to learn computer skills.
  • We spent a few rupees for watching cinema.
  •  They showed great courage when they met with an accident.

Adjectives of Quality

Adjectives of Quality’ give more information about the quality of a thing or person.

We use an adjective of quality to describe the subject or noun.

These adjectives specify quality as well as state and action of a noun.

We get Adjectives of Quality by asking the question ‘of what kind?’ to a noun to know the quality of the noun.

Examples of Adjectives of Quality

Here are some examples

  • He is a clever boy.
  • He is a nice guy.
  • Japan is a developed country.
  • Sara is a beautiful girl.
  • My boss is an honest person.
  • This box is heavy.
  • Naina has a black dog.
  • She is an intelligent girl.
  • Mumbai is a beautiful city.
  • Our principal is an old woman.
  • The dog is an honest animal.
  • They built a big hotel last year.
  • My son is wise.
  • New Delhi is a big city.                                         

 You may also like the following related links of types of adjectives-                                     

•  Number 

•  Definite  Numeral Adjectives

•  Interrogative   

•  Indefinite Numeral Adjectives

•  Demonstrative  

•  Exclamatory  

•  Emphasizing Adjectives     
