Adverb- a Describing Word

 Definition of Adverb

An adverb is one of the eight parts of speech. It gives more information about a verb, an adjective, a clause, and another adverb. It means, adverbs are the describing words.

In this lesson, you will know better about the work of an adverb in a sentence.

We shall see the functions of adverbs that describe-

• verbs

• adjectives

• adverbs.

♦ Examples of adverb which describe verbs in sentences

Some adverbs give more information about the verbs used in the sentences. These modifiers tell about how, where, and when the things happened. We use these adverbs always in daily life. These common adverbs which qualify verbs in the sentence are- how, where, and when. 

These adverbs which qualify verbs, answer to:

  • how- quickly, easily, proudly, alone 
  • where- up, below, nearby, here, there  
  • when- immediately, soon later, after, now, often.

Look at some examples of adverbs in the following sentences which describe verbs. 

  • Algebraic sums are solved easily. ( ‘easily’ qualifies the verb ‘solved’)
  • She answered the question quickly. ( ‘quickly’ qualifies the verb ‘answered’)
  • He threw a ball very fast. ( ‘very fast’ qualifies the verb ‘threw’)
  • She thinks highly of that matter. ( ‘highly’ qualifies the verb ‘thinks’)
  • It passed very fast. ( ‘very fast’ qualifies the verb ‘passed’)
  • She really loves you. ( ‘really’ qualifies the verb ‘loves’)
  • Sachin actually cried. ( ‘actually’ qualifies the verb ‘cried’)

 Examples of adverbs which describe adjectives in sentences

Adverbs describe the adjectives used in the sentences. That is, they give more information about adjectives. These modifiers tell about how often things happen or how things are. Always, we use some adverbs in daily life. Some of these common adverbs which qualify adjectives are: quite, extremely, really, hardly, very, too.

Here are some examples. In these examples, adverbs qualify adjectives. You can see which adverb works as a qualifier of an adjective in a sentence. 

Have a look-

 Look at the examples given below-

  • She is very beautiful. ( ‘very’ qualifies the adjective ‘beautiful’)
  • That is really nice. ( ‘really’ qualifies the adjective ‘nice’)
  • I am extremely sorry. ( ‘extremely’ qualifies the adjective ‘sorry’)
  • The garden is awfully large. ( ‘awfully’ qualifies the adjective ‘large’)
  • My mother is quite happy with this. ( ‘quite’ qualifies the adjective ‘happy’)
  • She is always calm. ( ‘always’ qualifies the adjective ‘calm’)
  • November is really a cool month. ( ‘really’ qualifies the adjective ‘cool’)
  • He purchased an extremely large mansion. ( ‘extremely’ qualifies the adjective ‘large’)
  • The film is quite short. ( ‘quite’ qualifies the adjective ‘short’)
  • The chairman has a very big residence. ( ‘very’ qualifies the adjective ‘big’)
  • My sister-in-law became a very popular doctor. ( ‘very’ qualifies the adjective ‘popular’)

♦ Examples of adverbs which describe adverbs in sentences

Adverbs describe adverbs.

It means they give more information about the adverbs that are already used in the sentence. We use some adverbs always in our daily life. Some of the common adverbs which qualify other adverbs are; quite, too really, very, rather.

Here are some examples. In these examples, adverbs qualify adverbs.

You can see which adverb works as a qualifier of other adverbs in a sentence. 

Have a look-

  • He drove a car very slowly. ( ‘very’ qualifies the modifier ‘slowly’)
  • They arranged the books closely together. ( ‘closely’ qualifies the modifier ‘together’)
  • The aeroplane took off quite quickly. ( ‘quite’ qualifies the modifier ‘quickly’)
  • She too often meets me. ( ‘too’ qualifies the modifier ‘often’)
  • The picture was very cleverly hung. ( ‘very’ qualifies the modifier ‘cleverly’)
  • They planned so secretly. ( ‘so’ qualifies the modifier ‘secretly’)
  • The function is really nicely planned. ( ‘really’ qualifies the modifier ‘nicely’)
  • Savita speaks very modestly. ( ‘very’ qualifies the modifier ‘modestly’)
  • They shouted at each other rather loudly. ( ‘rather’ qualifies the modifier ‘loudly’)
  • She met me somewhat eagerly. ( ‘somewhat’ qualifies the modifier ‘eagerly’)

You may also like-

•  Noun

•  Pronoun

•  Adjective

•  Verb

•  Preposition

•  Conjunction

•  Interjection

•  Definition and Examples of Adverb to Lessons of Grammar